Communicating Safety to All

Sharing the message of sustainable safety is important for students, faculty, and staff at Iowa State University.  EH&S kept the community informed using various modes of communication from a robust website, (promoting national safety events using social media and creating short instructional safety-related videos for viewing on YouTube).  EH&S used its main page scroller to market program areas, new safety publications and training courses, as well as to highlight events and activities on campus and around the world.




Individuals from more than 120 countries accessed the EH&S website in 2015, allowing us to share our message globally.  Our social media following increased by over 30% in 2015, sharing safety messages across campus and the world.  EH&S used the social media scheduling-tool to plan Facebook posts and tweets in advance, producing 210 tweeted messages and 309 Facebook posts in 2015.




Severe weather messaging is critical to the community when conditions are rapidly changing. When the National Weather Service (NWS) posts severe weather alerts, the alerts are displayed on the EH&S homepage as well as the EH&S weather page. The messages are shared with our social media contacts, and they are posted, tweeted and retweeted to campus. 

EH&S communicates important safety events and messages through the Inside Iowa State announcements page and university calendar.